Thursday, April 26, 2012

Any self-appointed philosopher is at best a learned fool. If I am unable to avoid melancholy delusions, impressions, and intuitions that lead to dark suspicion and fear, I will have accomplished nothing. I do not seek such an ill-balanced self-constructed mental formulation. I am also well aware that he who knows sloth is content with any excuse that even hints at the possibility of unexpected growth, so I wish to avoid that trap as well. Even though some men appear propelled from birth onto the planet completely incapable of happiness despite intellectual posterity, this shall never be the path I follow either. 

When directly confronting controversy, there is little safety for even the well intentioned thought explorer. I recognize that abstract postulations and generalized speculations about sensitive matters brings with it isolation and episodic grief as necessary accoutrements. Nonetheless, I seek no deterrence or hindrance in my journey. True freedom from self-bondage is my goal, and not just for myself. If I may clear away some of the rubbish that lies in the way to knowledge for others, I will proclaim at least some measure of achievement. 

To invade someone's sanctuary of ignorance is always a good service to human understanding. The interesting thing we find is that during closer inspection into the workings of a man's mind and a stricter examination of his motives, we find who he really is, despite any civilities of his other outer self expressions. No matter the approach, I expect never to have the good fortune of being rightly understood everywhere by everyone. That was never my chief design.

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