Thursday, April 26, 2012

The beauty and power we behold in nature. We do seek, with great eagerness, to find our right place in it. The sort of life that is right for man. We should undergo a philosophical self-examination without fear of what may await us in our quest to answer this very personal question. Why personal? Because it's your life. What's right for me to pursue may differ from yours. Here we are again faced with the idea of relativity. Mind you I say nothing here about moral relativity, which is rubbish. But we are unique in this world, each with special endowments that enable us to accomplish some feat impossible to others. And do we not feel that special inward urging to use what gifts we have for the good of others, and feel quite unsatisfied if we are unfruitful with our talents? Think of the delight we seek in deep spiritual satisfaction. The power to produce this delight does not reside in nature.  

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