Monday, March 19, 2012

The Earth spins in rotation over 1,000 miles per hour (at the equator). It hurls through space at 67,000 miles per hour in its orbit around the sun. Earth travels in space 600 million miles around the sun during one year. The sun, to which the Earth is gravitationally bound, travels through the Milky Way Galaxy at 483,000 miles per hour. There are hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy. Think about that for a minute. Ok, now our gigantic galaxy is also moving through space at 900,000 miles per hour. We are never standing still. Surely we can merge a little bit of physics (the study of physical reality) with our life philosophies. Nothing in space ever stands still, so neither should we. Always be moving. Always be growing. Always want knowing. Be aware. Feel alive. Live your life. It's the only one you have. And you're the only one in the whole universe. You are special and unique. Remember these things.

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