Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It's really amazing how we as such little tiny human beings in the cosmos are as greedy, arrogant, and vain as we really are. If you think about it, what is really ours? Human civilization and inequality begin when someone is shrewd enough to pick up a rock, use it to mark a place on the ground, and declare “This is mine!” and then find someone foolish enough to believe him. Does not the rock and the ground it sits on truly belong to God? Maybe? It's so hard to unwind our selfish thinking. Even though there are many promises about God meeting our petty needs, we still don't believe. If "civilization" started with communication (ie: the example provided), then we should continue with it today. We must try harder to understand one another. We must try harder to empathize with one another. We need to try harder to bear one another's burdens. Remember, it's not really yours anyway. So quit being selfish. Give yourself away. Be willing to give it ALL away. Then you can find true liberation from the tyranny of "self."

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